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What is the reason for the damage of the planetary reducer?

Planetary reducer is a widely used transmission equipment, which may be damaged by frequent use. So what is the reason for the damage of the planetary reducer? How can we better prevent it? Shanghai Nuoqiu will give you a brief introduction.
During the operation of the planetary reducer, if it is overloaded for a long time, it is easy to damage the internal gear of the planetary reducer. When there are some small problems in the planetary reducer, it cannot be repaired in time. It is also particularly prone to damage to some accessories. Therefore, in order to better prolong the service life of the planetary reducer, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether the equipment can operate normally during operation. At the same time, pay attention to the maintenance of the planetary reducer. If a problem is found, it needs to be repaired or replaced in time, which is also very important to prolong the service life of the equipment.
The reason for the damage of the planetary reducer depends not only on whether it is frequently overloaded, but also on the smoothing method. Generally speaking, if the flatness is poor, it is easy to cause equipment damage. If the amount or amount of lubricating oil added is not particularly sufficient during the long-term operation of the equipment, it is easy to damage the planetary gearbox. At this time, you should pay special attention to the choice of lubricant. This is to see if the type of lubricant can match the equipment. If it does not match, it will also affect the application of the planetary reducer. In addition, the amount of oil should not be excessive, because during the operation of the reducer, the oil pool will be stirred a lot, and the lubricating oil will splash everywhere in the reducer. Therefore, if there is too much oil, a large amount of lubricating oil will accumulate on the shaft seal and joint surface, causing leakage.
Improper installation is also a very important reason for the damage of the planetary reducer. During the installation process, due to improper installation, some brute force caused the deformation of the planetary reducer, which affected the application of the planetary reducer, especially during the application process, the planetary reducer was damaged due to the imbalance on both sides.

An increase in pressure in the fuel tank can also cause damage to the planetary reducer. In a closed reducer, each pair of gears heats up as they mesh with each other. The temperature in the reducer box will gradually increase with the increase of operating time, and the volume in the reducer box will remain unchanged, so the pressure in the reducer box will increase accordingly, and the lubricating oil in the box will splash and sprinkle on the reducer. on the inner wall of the box. Because the oil is very permeable, under the pressure in the oil tank, the oil will seep out where the seal is not tight.
In addition, improper maintenance procedures may also cause damage to the planetary reducer. During equipment maintenance, oil leakage may also be caused due to incomplete cleaning of the dirt on the joint surface, improper selection of sealant, reverse installation of the seal, and failure to replace the seal in time.